
Airsoft is a modern sport in which participants eliminate their opponents by hitting them with bio-degradable BBs launched from realistic rifles, pistols, and more.

At Splat Action, our rental fleet includes Valken airsoft rifles for up to 20 players. Airsoft walk-on play is available on Weekends from 10AM-5PM. Walk-on means that you’ll play against other players who come to the park that day. If you want to book a private party during the week you need 6 or more players.

Airsoft Event Night & Day

March Sun. 16th & Sat. 22nd

April Sun. 13th & Sat. 26th

May Sun. 11th & Sat. 24

June Sun. 8th & Sat. 21st

July Sun. 6th & Sat. 19th

August Sun. 3rd & Sat. 23rd

September Sun. 7th & Sat. 27th

October Sun. 12th & Sat. 25th

November Sun. 2nd & Sat. 15th

December Sun. 6th & Sat. 14th

Dates Subject to Change

We do require that you use biodegradable BB's. We sell them on location if needed.

Leave it better than you found it 

Airsoft Rules:

Calling out hits, yell hit and raise one hand and walk to spawn, a Red death rag is highly recommended. It is another visual cue that you have been hit and will reduce being over shot.

Spawn camping is not allowed. You must allow players to get 100 feet from spawn before you shoot at them. The game is no fun if you are immediately shot when you get back in the game.

"Blind man" is a term we use in airsoft when someone's eye protection has come off and a stop of game is needed. Or use for injuries then we'll stop and get the injury tended too.

Gun hits do not count.

Goggles: Full seal goggles, ballistic glasses with Z87+,Z87-rating and mesh are allowed

Mouth Protection: highly recommended but not required

Footwear: hiking boots highly recommended.

Pyro allowed: 10 foot kill radius through soft cover. (grass, shrubs, and concealment).

Fires on the field should be communicated immediately so we can extinguish the hazard and get back with the game.

Chronograph limits 

Feet Per Second (FPS) 

Minimum Engagement Distance (MED)

Rifleman (400fps w/.2 gram BBs) 1.59 joules  Full-Auto

LMG/HMG (425fps w/.2 gram BBs) 1.79 joules Full-Auto (20ft MED)

DMR (450fps w/.2 gram BBs) 2.09 joules SEMI-LOCKED (50ft MED)

Sniper (500fps w/.2gram BBs) 2.59 joules (100ft MED)

Night game Rules

Airsoft Pricing

If you have your own equipment, all-day admission is only $25, ($20 Pre-Register). If you need to rent equipment, our airsoft package is $45 and includes:

  • All day field entry
  • Valken ASL Mod M AEG Rifle
  • Bottle of 1000 .2 gram BBs
  • Camouflage Jackets
  • Padded Vest
  • Goggle

Click the buttons below to schedule your Airsoft Adventure TODAY!

Book Weekend Airsoft   Book Anytime Airsoft (groups of 6 or more)


If interested in becoming a sponsor of Splat Action Paintball, please contact John Vida at

  • Valkan